Thursday, December 24, 2009

Home. Where is it? ...and "What was your favorite country?"

Before I finished Semester at Sea, I was talking with a fellow SASer, and told them how my definition of home is so skewed at this point. I've called many places home. Home: Indio, CA. Home: Thousand Oaks, CA...and the big one...

Home: MV Explorer in:
- Canada
- Spain
- Morocco
- Ghana
- South Africa
- Mauritius
- India
- Vietnam
- Hong Kong
- Shanghai, China
- Japan
- Oahu, Hawaii
- Big Island, Hawaii

I realized prior to debarkation, that I have felt at home in a lot of places, and it amazes me. So how about my first home, I mean technically Indio, CA isn't even my first home, it's my second... so how does it feel to be home? How am I dealing with re-entry?

Well, to be quite honest, I can't say that I am. Every day it's the same old thing, waking up in the afternoon out of my coma from lack of sleep all semester. Sitting around working on pictures from the voyage, preparing a slideshow for my family, and being consumed in my life to come. It isn't until those pesky questions and phrases I long to hear come out..."How was it?" "What was your favorite country?" "I couldn't ever be on a ship that long" "Where all did you go?" " was it" that I realize I'm not just in another port anymore.

Night four of being home, I was curious as to what time on ship time was the following day, but there wasn't in fact the place I called home had left for someone else to call home for a few short days. Weird. It doesn't matter if I am not thinking about Semester at Sea, something still reminds me of it, and so many things have a new meaning, or just...are crazy to hear after seeing it or experiencing it. Some examples:

1) The following day after arriving in San Diego, I went to school where during the study break my friends played, "Jaiho" and "You're the One That I Want" - Grease. Jaiho to simply remind me of the night I showed it for Piano Bar Program Board and finally got to finish the movie. And India of course, and all that came with thinking of India. Then, the next song, how can anyone forget Sea Olympics and Don't forget the lyrics, aside from my terrible memory of lyrics of popular songs that we all knew, this one song was debated amongst all of us and little did we know we were all wrong. It's crazy how small these things are but how much they can remind you of.

2) I was at Best Buy with my friend, and we were walking around and all of a sudden I hear a familiar tune. Some girls were playing the demo rockband, which apparently now has a Beatles version. What song were they playing..."Yellow Submarine" except what did lyrics did I start singing..."We all live on a university, Semester at Sea, the best place to be" friend was so clueless.

3) Chinese food: how I miss you China for your wonderful food. I long for pan fried wantons, pot stickers, and pork puffballs...and I had them for dinner tonight. Not tasting nearly as good, the plum sauce wasn't black like in China, the puffball was half the size, and the potstickers were weird...but yet it felt so good to eat it and brought back lots of wonderful memories. Particularly almost missing my sleeper train with Randall, Gio, and Grace (miss you guys).

Now how about looking at a world map...weird. I signed so many of them before we left but never actually looked at it. Now off the ship looking at a map...and trying to realize that I went... *points* there, there, there, and there...oh and there. yea there too. it's so surreal. what evidence do I really have besides pictures and can be deleted and and memories fade. I realized something though...I will always have the passion for SAS. I realized that at my friend Austin's Christmas party. During reflection re-entry day on the ship we were told some people would really care about what we did and want to know everything and it was usually your family. Austin however was different, he wanted to know everything, and I was sort of summarizing and he said "Don't just like summarize it, I want to know EVERYTHING, every little detail!" It felt really good to hear that, and by the end of it he himself wanted to do the program, and that is exactly how I decided to do the program. When I heard someone as passionate as myself three years ago, at my university's admitted students day, talk about study abroad. They had done SAS, and by the end of that day, I didn't care where I went to school I just knew that I had to do Semester at Sea. It is because of Austin I realized, the ones that really want to know are going to be the greatest at helping in my re-entry. Even better, future voyagers, and those new to college are going to be the best listeners, and I can't wait to inspire others to do this program.

So am I dealing? Not really. I am pretending to deal or just shoving in the corner, we'll see what happens next semester but for now...I think I'll be okay. Thankfully I have Kiah to turn to at school whenever and her, me. Anyway! That's my Christmas Eve thought process ....not your typical one haha. :)

Thanks For Reading,

Monday, December 14, 2009

Japan: The Not So Easy Country After All

So we arrived in Japan on November 20th, in Yokohama. I had made travel plans with the sisters from Minnesota, Kelly Rose, and Liz. We started off the day walking around Yokohama and found a nice coffee shop to sit and relax and people watch for a bit. After some coffee we decided to make our way to Yokohama Tower to get a view of the city from the tallest building in the city with a full circle walk about. We headed up there and enjoyed the view for a bit and then headed out to get some lunch, after trying to find a place to eat Japanese food we figured since it was so expensive to just eat at Wendy’s where A) we knew we would like it and B) it was cheaper…except still seven bucks. After lunch we walked over to the little carnival area since we had been eyeing the ferris wheel all day. We found out how much it was and then proceeded to walk around Yokohama looking for the 100 Yen stores. Never finding it we ended up at some shopping area where I found a sweet jacket that I love so much! And it came with a t shirt and it was 22 bucks for both, I thought it was a steal for Japan. Haha. I could have bought all of the jackets but I refrained. We headed back towards the ship and eventually we made our way to the ferris wheel and rode it for 15 minutes then Kelly Rose and I decided to ride the rollercoaster as well, where I got in trouble for using my iPhone to video tape our adventure and they stopped us as we were slanted back going up the hill… that was fun. Once we finished all of that we headed back to the ship for dinner and then met with a larger group of people to go to karaoke. The night was real, and it was good but it wasn’t exactly real good. But hey karaoke was involved so you can’t complain too much. I don’t really remember what time we were out till but I know it was late.

Then we woke up the next morning and Laura and Becca had decided to leave at like 5:30AM so they could get to the fish market in Tokyo and then I woke up and met up with the other girls. They didn’t want to leave till much later so I just left with some other friends who were heading that way. One of my friends had actually been stranded in Shanghai as we traveled to Japan because she lost her Hong Kong mainlanders card while on my china trip and so she wasn’t allowed to leave China until she replaced it. Anyway we both had hostels in the same area so we left at around 10 and we didn’t end up getting to where wanted until about 1pm because of the long process. They made Japan transportation sound like it was the easiest and fastest thing…LIES. So by the time we got out of the station I called the hostel I was supposed to meet the girls at to figure out how to get there. Well I had a little surprise when I called the and the guy told me that we weren’t staying there because the confirmation didn’t go through and the girls had left…uhh WHAT?!?! So I panicked but knew that they would still be there at 1pm like we had planned so I went there anyway and sure enough they were there and Laura walks out and says “we have no where to sleep tonight!!!” and I was like “So I’ve heard” Anyway we waited around for the other girls to get there and they never showed and by three we definitely just didn’t want to spend our time in the lobby of the hostel we weren’t staying at. So we finally made our way towards the SAS hotel in another part of Tokyo after numerous calls to get a hold of Chris Battin for help and other hotels. We left the girls a note and made our way to the hotel to meet him since we had to be there for his birthday celebration anyway! We get there and the girls are there and we are there and happily reunited, we found some girls that agreed to let us crash in their room and then proceeded to freshen up and get ready for dinner and the Ice Bar. So we did that whole shebang, and I was really excited for the icebar and had the pleasure of arranging that for B-Payne’s 21st was really cold and really fun. The night ended with barely catching the last train, me trying to figure out how to get back since I didn’t pay attention on the way over, and moving a large group of drunk people…great. Oh and how about me trying to communicate with the local to get me home…and in the end we managed to get lost and walk for two hours back to the hotel. WOO! Lol. Basically it was a rough night and I was exhausted and had along day ahead of me as I was traveling to Hiroshima by myself and was going to meet the girls back in Kobe the next day.

So I woke up later than I ahd planned and went to the concierege desk and they helped me figure out all the trains I need to take to get to Hiroshima, I ended up getting to Hiroshima around 1pm and staying until about 4pm when I caught my train to Kobe. Hiroshima was something else, it makes the Pearl Harbor Museum look like nothing. The memorial is really all about Peace. They make us out to seem real terrible and we were I agree but it was very hard for me to be there and be a believe of the fact that what we did was the only way to end the war quickly and without losing more and more people that woujld have exceeded the amount that did with the dropping of the atomic bomb. Unfortunately, I seemed to bet he only American at the memorial that day…and when you go by yourself you really feel like you are the only one. So I walked through the museum section pretty quickly but enjoyed the outside a lot. I couldn’t really believe I was there, it was amazing, I finally got to see something that I had studied so much in high school. I left Hiroshima and got to Kobe around 6:15 and somehow the girls had just gotten there too by the time I walked out to get the bus to the hotel, so I didn’t have to run around and search for them. We went to the hotel left to get food and hit up the 100Yen store and bought ridiculous stuff. Then went back to the hotel where we just relaxed since none of us had gotten any decient sleep the night before without beds or blankets. Man that was the best sleep ever.

The next day Kelly Rose and I headed back to the ship since we both had homestay/university visits. Unfortunately Kelly Rose was really sick and couldn’t make hers and then I left off to my university visit in Kyoto. The student that picked us up was named Yu and she was awesome. Just by the way she dressed I knew she was a rebel to Japanese society and I was totally right. We got to the university after losing someone along the way and I ate the weirdest lunch of my life, there were big fish little tiny fish that looked like noodles, it was weird. Seriously you would all be amazed at the stuff I’ve eaten on this damn trip. We ate, got into our groups and headed out to temples in Kyoto and walked around of course getting lost because even the students didn’t know where to go. We headed back for dinner which consisted of mass amounts of sushi, and other Japanese spring rolls and food. Had good conversation and a gift exchange. We then spent the night in a building that we couldn’t leave, now just imagine college students confined in a space…it’s not pretty, we even tried to escape. Haha. In the end it was ar ealy interesting day getting to know these Japanese students

The next day we headed out in our groups again and we went downtown and did some shopping, took some pictures in photo booths nad decorated them, it was hilarious!! Then I proceeded to try this dish that I can’t type out but it was dumpling based with a piece of octopus in the middle…yea like I said you would be really impressed the things I’ve eaten. Then I bought my favorite little “puff balls” as I call them they were just the meat dumpling but they were big puffs of dough mmm so good, and they sold them at gas stations it was awesome. We finally headed towards the area where the Geisha’s were supposed to be  but unfortunately didn’t get to see any, so we started to make our way back towards Kobe. We hung out and said bye and two of the students got on the train with us back towards their home and we went back to Kobe. The university visit was awesome, I am really glad I did it because I got to know a lot more about Japanese students and had a lot of fun with people from the ship as well. Well that’s Japan…sorry it’s late…and I’ll do Hawaii too…



Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'll Go Back To China Just To Say "Chiner" "Pander" and Wear My Panda Hat

Well what to say about China…it was freezing….I slept on the Great Wall…in the freezing weather, …oh and there was snow…and not many other people get to see the wall with snow on it. I enjoyed Beijing, did lots of shopping. Ate lots of Chinese food, man I am missing it already, I could stay there just for the food. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell for those of you who want the short version. Now here is the long version

The first day I spent in Hong Kong with the tour I put together through the China Guide, we got to see all sorts of cool stuff. We went up to Victoria Peak and got a great view of Hong Kong, had a great dim sum lunch, saw Arbedeen Fishing Village and went to Man Mao Temple. We also got to go to Stanley Market through our tour to do a little shopping, but it wasn’t the best market I have ever seen in my life, I heard the shopping in Beijing was good so I waited till then. That night Collin had invited me earlier in the day to go to dinner with him and his mom, and some of our other friends. We went to this cute little restaurant close by with a great view of the waterfront buildings for the light show. We had an amazing and long dinner with wine and conversation and a light show (which is nothing like the Disneyland one…hopes crushed). After that we went out to LKF and I met up with friends that were there too, just enjoyed being there watching everyone make a fool of themselves as usual. I did get to call Emily while in the Russian Ice Bar (so lame) because there is free wifi everywhere in Hong Kong (but not China). We finally headed back to the ship and got a good night’s sleep as we had to be up and ready the next morning to be taken to the airport. After we got all checked in, Gio, Grace, and Lindsay and I all went to get some food. I got myself two orders of pan fried dumplings…yum yum. Then we proceeded to wait for our plane so we could board and get ourselves to Beijing.

When we arrived in Beijing we got to our hotel, checked in and then Randall, Gio, and I went to dinner with some other people and had the worst American food of our lives. I didn’t want to eat American food but we ended up there and it was just terrible. Then we hung around that place talking with the people who were selling stuff and bought our Panda hats! Yay! We were arguing over prices until Randall finally put her hat on and was like, “guys let’s just pay her it’s fine, I really like panda hat” (I just literally laughed out loud as I wrote this because the tone was hilarious). So we wore panda’s and roamed the streets near our hotel. We headed back and hung out in Randall’s room then headed to bed as the next day was going to be eventful, because it was the day that we headed to the Great Wall.

In the morning we woke up and they took us to the Silk Market because the weather was colder than they expected for us to sleep on the great wall and they wanted to make sure we had enough warm clothes. So I got some water proof pants, and long thick socks so I wouldn’t freeze my butt off. Then after we were done there we proceeded to go on a hutong tour where we ate at a family’s home and learned about the hutong’s and that family’s particular story. Then we rode a rickshawk through the rest of the hutongs and ended up and the drum tower and got to watch them play the huge drums. After that we then proceeded on our long journey to the Great Wall of China. I knocked out for a while but as we got closer it was fun to see the temperature continue to drop even though it was like 3 in the afternoon. We were the first bus to get to the spot where we were doing our sunset hike. We hiked up there and got some great pictures of the wall with the snow and the sun setting, and some panda hat pictures too haha. We then went back down and had dinner a restaurant at the bottom of the mountain, after dinner is when the real fun began and we all realized that we were really going to freeze our asses off. So we started putting on our 8 layers of clothes each on the bus, which was interesting and had about an hours hike up to our sleeping spot and that’s where we just hung out until it got too cold to not be in our sleeping bags. I saw my first shooting star finally, and I am glad I can say I saw it on the Great Wall of China. We fell asleep freezing and woke up freezing to a beautiful sunrise and I couldn’t feel my feet which was fun. The lame people slept in the guard tower where they had a fire but me and my friends slept out under the stars like champions…guess I am ready for Minnesota winters now dontcha know?

So that day was full of hiking and then heading back to Beijing for our last night in Beijing. I ended up going to the market again and a Chinese Acrobat show with some friends through our tour company which was crazy to see, and then afterwards we headed back to the hotel after spending twenty minutes trying to get a taxi that wanted to take us back to our hotel. It was a huge problem. We finally got back and we ate at this little street food place which was amazing! Then because we were so tired we just went back to the hotel while everyone else went out and partied with the Ying Yang Twins (oh well). I met up with some other friends who were just drinking beer and chatting and I chatted with them until I was too tired. The next day was going to be very long and I wanted to make sure I got some sleep for our epic journey of all the sights in Beijing.

In the morning we got on our busses and started our day off at the Forbidden City, it was huge, and never ending it seemed like and there were so many people. It was also very cold so we were literally running through the Forbidden City so we didn’t freeze. The pictures are awesome so I can’t really talk about it other than saying I was there. As we ended the tour of the Forbidden City we then reached Tiananmen Square and ventured that way as our bus was meeting us on the other side of the square. It was really weird to be there and not talk about what happened but just walk through it. Since the government forbids anyone from talking about it we couldn’t ask our tour guide about it either. After we left there we went to a local restaurant where we had the best duck lunch and other wonderful foods where we got to use the thin tortilla like things to put the plum sauce with the duck in it.. Gosh it was sooo good! Anyway after that we went to the Bird’s Nest and Water Cube. I decided to pay to get into the Bird’s Nest just for your Kyle. It was amazing. The structure itself is a work of art I couldn’t believe how crazy it was or how it was holding up the stadium for that matter. Once we left there we headed over to Summer Palace which was equally as large as the Forbideen City it seemed like since we were freezing. Then we had finished early so our tour guide with our bus driver gave us the option of going to a Kung Fu show or to another market as we had four hours till our train was going to leave anyway. So I went to the market and just hung around there until they picked us up again to take us to the train station. So now here comes the fun story…
So I am with Grace, Randall, and Gio and we went on a hunt for some food among other things for our sleeper train ride to Shanghai. We didn’t know that there was a time to board the train or let alone that the boarding time was at 9. We just knew the train left at 9:30 or something like that. So we finish our dinner and go to where everyone was and no one is there, and just our bags and sitting there, with no one around. Gio had ran to the bathroom, and it was just us three girls and finally Randall said someone needs to go get our tour guide and catch up to them, so mind you I decide to run since I planned the whole dang trip. What I didn’t tell you is that the bag I bought an hour before at the market had broken so I have a one wheeled rolling (sort of) duffel that weighs a ton from all the poker chips my supervisor gave to me and a duffel bag full of clothes and shoes…and I am running and have no idea where to go. So I finally find this gate that has the train number I am supposed to be on. I see that it’s open so I was like okay good. Well I need to get cart 4 and I am at cart 28 which by the way ended up being like cart 203482034823094 when you are running with like 50 lb weight on you. So I am running dragging everything along finally get on the train and see that it’s a mess already and I run off and start running back towards the gate to find my friends. I see them and they are freaking out. Randall is having a panic attack to the point where I can’t understand a word she is saying we get on the next open door of the train and I just have them walk to cart four and the train starts moving. We literally barely made it. So we get on the sleeper train and have drama over rooms and stuff but it eventually works itself out and we have great conversation until bed time.

We awoke the next day in Shanghai and were taken to the ship and it was all ugly and raining and since there were 70 of us we had a long line outside the ship and checking the bags process. Finally once I was done with that I went to my room and just went back to bed for a little bit, showered then went up to lunch and saw friends who wanted to go get rail passes much like I did and go shopping. So I went and did that on what was supposed to be our last day on the ship…but apparently the weather was terrible at sea so we had an extra night and half day in Shanghai. I didn’t really do much besides get my rail pass, go shopping, hang with the friends and then went to sleep. I didn’t bother to go out at night or the next day as I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Anyway, that was china, it was awesome. The people suck, they don’t like to talk to you and aren’t ncie to you but I would go back solely for shopping and to say Chiner and Pander. Woo!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hello Pineapple, Hello Banana

Well, what do I say about Vietnam? One of the two overnight independent travel trips I planned. I went to Hanoi and Ha Long Bay with a group of ten. Very small and very awesome! We left the first day on a flight to Hanoi and we got into our hotel and went off on our to go shopping and see the city. Crossing the streets in Vietnam is something else. During one of our pre ports they had a demonstration of how to cross the street and that you just have to keep the same pace, don’t speed up or slow down or else they will hit you. If you stay the same pace they will move around you though. Hmm, they make it sound SOOOO EASY! I am not even good at crossing the street at home, and they want me to just walk in the middle of traffic and survive. So the first day I arrived in Vietnam I was leading a group of ten of us to Hanoi and Ha Long Bay for the next three days. Some of my close friends were going on the trip so I knew it would be a good one. We left for the airport as soon as the ship cleared to catch our flight. We get over to the airport and we are taking the largest plane for a two hour flight I have ever been on. It was the size of a plane you would take to Hawaii or to another country for that matter. We arrived in Hanoi in the afternoon and got to our hotel and had free time the rest of the night. Juliana and I went out on the streets to look at shops and just hang out. We ended up at a shop with handmade tablerunners, pillow cases, and other cute things. Then we proceeded to try to cross the streets several times, which was interesting and I got one on video. Woo! Trying to cross a round-about isn’t as easy as it should be. So after we were done roaming around Juliana and I got some dinner where it was al a carte and we got to make our own Pho (pronounced Fuh). It was really great then we went back to the hotel and met up with Gio and Steven to go out one the town. We asked the reception where we should go out and we ended up going to Nutz Bar at the Sheraton. It was definitely interesting being at a place where mostly locals are. We ran into lots of Vietnamese people having a great time and we ourselves had a great time and headed back to our hotel around 2am. When we got back Juliana let me use her skype and I called everyone I could possibly want to talk to one night, it was very productive.

The next morning we had breakfast and headed out on our journey to Ha Long Bay. We rode the bus for about four hours and finally got to Ha Long Bay. I was really excited to finally get to see the beauty of Ha Long Bay. We got off the bus and headed onto our private wooden junk. A wooden junk is a wooden boat and they are all over the bay and carry passengers. There are cruise ship style ones on a smaller scale, and then ones that hold anywhere from 8-36 people. Ours was a six bed room one so it was our own private wooden junk with a top deck to enjoy the view. They fed us wonderful food the whole time and it was a very peaceful adventure. Now mom and Anisha, you will be very impressed to find out some of the things I have eaten or tried on this ship. Because we were in a bay, the only food really to find was fish, and they brough out the whole fish, along with crab puffs, prawns, oysters and other fishy foods. I tried the fish, ate an oyster, ate a crab puff, then survived off the rice, I thought you guys would be proud. After lunch we ended up cruising through the bay until we reached Surprise Cave, which was HUGE! We walked around there for about an hour, and then got back on our wooden junk and headed to one of the cliff beach areas and hiked to the top to get a beautiful view of the bay and enjoy the beach in the afternoon. I thought I was going to die getting to the top of that peak, it was only 1000ft but it was  a straight shot up the stairs no easy gradual windy way up. I am glad I made it up there though. After that we got back on our wooden junk for the night had dinner, which included more great food with fries and chicken and stuff. We played a few card games and headed to bed early.

The next morning I woke up early with Barry to see the sunrise, which was taking a very long time and it was freezing so I didn’t wait for the sun to come all the way above the peaks. I headed back to sleep until breakfast was ready. We enjoyed some breakfast and then went on a smaller boat ride through a little cave to get on the other side to see some beautiful peaks. We got back on the ship and headed out to to the middle of the bay, where they let us jump off the top of the wooden junk into the water. It was about a 30ft or more drop, everyone kept going, and I stayed to take pictures since I know I am scared of heights. Eventually though I realized that I am supposed to be getting out of my comfort zone on this trip and conquering my fear of heights starting with 30 ft would have to be a start. So I didn’t have my bathing suit on and didn’t have time to do so, so I jumped in with my clothes on and it was awesome. We had lunch and headed back to where the wooden junk got us and got on the bus and headed for the airport early, because our guide’s father had died that morning and he found out that morning. We felt terrible as our guide was great and his father had died so we didn’t keep him from getting to his family and just went straight to the airport super early. When we got to the airport we had four hours before our flight was going to leave so we tried to figure out how much it would cost to get on an earlier flight. We went to the lady and we found out that we can switch onto the flight that was leaving in 45 minutes for free, so we did that and we got back to the ship early which made it easy for us to find out friends and go out for the night. When I got back to the ship I went to Kelly Rose’s room to let her know I was back so we could go out since I didn’t get to go out with everyone the first night for her birthday. We went out with some other people to Le Pub, an then headed over to Apocalypse and danced the night away. We got back to the ship and in the morning we woke up and headed out to go shopping and stuff but ended up at a coffee shop for a very long period of time where I skyped with my friends and then we finally made out to the market. Everything in Vietnam is way too cheap, which makes it really easy to go buy everything. That day wasn’t very productive I just got a North Face jacket because we knew the weather in China was supposed to be freezing. I also got a north face backpack and some other random stuff. We finished shopping and Kelly Rose took to me the place where her and Laura and Becca were getting their dresses made so I could get mine made. I picked out the material and they took the measurements and they said they would have it done within 20 hours, since we were leaving the next day. Julia stayed behind to get a massage and a manicure and pedicure and Kelly Rose and I after chatting with the ladies for a while, headed back to the ship where we knew there was free internet and hung out for a few hours until dinner time and got ready to go out and headed out for the night again.

The last day I had an FDP to a cooking class with my Interpersonal Communication professor. We went through the food market and we saw live fish being killed on the spot, frogs being slammed to their death and other really gross things, it was pretty disturbing. After that we headed to the culinary school where they taught us to make their chicken soup, spring rolls, and rice dumplings in bamboo leaves. I got to heat up the bamboo leaves…I thought it would be just like heating a tortilla but it wasn’t really. Then I was put in charge of stirring the coconut jam, then I kept getting yelled at by the lady who was translating so I gave up. They then taught us to make spring rolls and I was really excited. I was hanging out with Denim and her mom during this trip and her mom was awesome and made it a lot of fun. All of Denim’s spring rolls looked completely different but her moms and mine looked awesome. We made our own dipping sauces and put the spring rolls in to fry. After they we ate them I decided to leave early with some people because I really wanted to go to the war remnants museum and needed to go shopping too so I left early to go to museum with Kristen, Jeremy, and B-Payne. The museum was really intense and Kristen and I had a hard time digesting the whole thing. Especially because the quotes from our side were all stating how we needed to study this so we know what we did wrong and to not do it again, except we are doing the same thing and have done worse things like in Guantanamo Bay. After we were done at the museum we walked around and go to see some of the Asian Olympic Indoor Games, got some coffee and met up with Kelly Rose again. Then I headed out to go shop at the market by myself and got lots of ridiculous stuff until it was time to go get my dress at the place. After that I headed back to the ship and called it a night on the ship. We weren’t leaving until the next morning at 6am so we sat in the port and enjoyed our night with a BBQ and story telling. Overall Vietnam was an awesome experience and definitely made my top 3 port list. I really hope that one day you guys all get to go, the shopping, and the food, and the people and history are all a great reason to visit that country.

Monday, November 16, 2009

It's Like An Orgasm For Your Eyes

***Quote Above: From Lindsay Page during our cycle rickshaw ride to the Ganges River in Varanasi, for the ceremony where they put the river to sleep***

I would have to say that Lindsay put into words perfectly what India is like, and I am sure Kate would agree with me once I explain what she meant. She meant, that there is so much going on, so much chaos and so many people, that you don’t want to blink because you are scared you are going to miss out on something, and I must say, that was my entire experience in India. In fact, when I had to take out my contacts on the bus with particles flying everywhere, I was sure I missed at least 20 awesome things that happened.
India was my first of all future long independent over night trips to come. We left the first day to catch a flight to Dehli, me and 29 other people whom I didn’t know until I saw them, then realized I was fortunate to have such a great group of people that were on this trip, some of my closest friends on the ship and others that I loved to hang out with. We headed for the 15 minute walk outside the port to meet our guide and bus to take us to the airport. It was about an hour drive and we got to the airport and checked in with enough time to beat the SAS Taj and Varanasi trip there, thankfully. We were on the same flight as them, the constant theme through out this trip was 588-1400. We paid 588 for the same exact experience they had and they paid 1400. The boys were kind of obnoxious about it but whatever. So we got on our flight with the other group of 70 SASers on the SAS trip and headed to Dehli, where we were greeted by our next guide and led to our bus where they gave us lei’s and took us for a little night time city tour and to dinner. Our dinner was delicious, the bread they gave us was flat like a tortilla but a little thicker so I put everything in it for a burrito, can you tell I miss Mexican food much? We then proceeded to our hotel and sat up on the roof talking and then headed to bed as we had an early rise to catch our train to Agra to see the Taj Mahal.
We got on the train the next morning, also with the SAS trip again, and had two hours till Agra. There we met our next guide who took us to a palace that was beautifully built and I can’t honestly remember the name nor do I know where my notebook is where I wrote it down but it was BEAUTIFUL, and huge. We took some really cute group pictures and then proceeded off to the Agra Fort which had weird looking monkeys hanging around and it was just another palace that was built and it had a beautiful view of the Taj from a very far distance. Before we went there we definitely had to eat some lunch that was good, everything in India was a little sketchy as you never knew what you were eating because you didn’t know what the words meant, so you put it in your mouth and hope for the best. Luckily I didn’t get sick and my stomach didn’t start speaking another language as Becca (my friend from Minnesota on the ship, her and her sister are doing SAS together) said. After we were done at the fort we headed to Taj, and the anticipation was definitely built. I was definitely scared it was going to be like the statue of liberty …a huge disappointment but all the pictures and movies of it, just doesn’t do the thing justice at all! It was bigger than I though and more beautiful than pictures I had seen. I honestly started getting teary eyed because it finally hit me that I was traveling the world and seeing one of the wonder’s of the world. WE spent about an hour and a half there taking pictures with all our crazy ideas and getting group pictures, jumping for joy pictures and anything else. Sometimes I just sat and stared and really thought about where I was and lived in the moment. After we were done there we headed back for dinner and then prepared our selves for the sleeper train we were about to experience. I was definitely really nervous because a train in India is definitely much different than Amtrak, let alone a sleeper train. Let me tell you, it was quite the experience. We were in first class which could not even be considered economy in States. It was sketchtastic and awesome, the pictures really do tell the whole story and unfortunately I don’t have internet to put them up. We had a “corpse” across from my section of the six of us, just this body with full sheet over it that never moved even though we clearly were extremely loud getting on that they had to have been awake, so pictures were taken and people were dancing next to it, totally inappropriate, but what do you when there’s a weird situation? Just laugh, that’s what I’ve been learning. So finally the “corpse” got old and we went and traveled along visiting with our friends until we passed out. I was lucky enough to actually get some sleep compared to most people who stayed up paranoid all night. The bathroom was just a hole, like in many of these countries and you left your mark on the tracks in India. What was hilarious was how many people I saw going to the bathrrom on the side of the train tracks. I don’t think I will be able to hand anyone who complains about public bathrooms in the states ever again. I mean, public bathrooms in the states are definitely like the Marriot compared to public bathrooms in India. So we woke up the next morning to find out we were not even close to getting to Varanasi and had another three hours so we all went back to sleep after everyone ate some of my food I brought. See mom, you taught me well. I am always prepared with snacks and water and toilet paper and I am always the one feeding or giving toilet paper out…don’t worry I’ve always had enough for me! Haha. I usually save at least one persons hungry stomach or bladder every day, especially on this morning in India.
Once we finally got to Varanasi we got on the bus with our tour guide and headed straight to the hotel because we all felt disgusting and really needed a shower. Our hotel was super nice and we took showers and felt so much better then headed to lunch as we were all starving. After lunch we headed to a Buddhist monestary where Buddha was enlighted and saw the tree of wisdom and it was really cool to see some of the ceremonies going on. After that we headed to Sarnath, which is actually where a replica of the tree was but not the actual tree as not everyone can make it out to the actual tree. After all that we headed to a silk market where we bought some really cool silk scarves and I bought a silk hanging picture of the Taj, before we headed out on our rickshaw rides through Varanasi to get to the Ganges River (where the quote of this blog comes from). It was interesting for sure, and we got off and headed down the steps to watch the Buddhist priests put the Ganges river to sleep at night. Lindsay and I walked away from the group for a little ebit and we got to perform part of the ceremony and got paint on our foreheads by this old man and he gave us lei’s and flowers to throw in to the river and pray with him. It was a really cool experience, because he chanted what we were supposed to say and then apparently we were praying for a good married life, haha. I thought it was really funny.  The entire ceremony was just really cool and I really enjoyed it. That night we went to the SAS trip hotel and partied with them as they were having this really awkard 7th grade type dance the tour company put on for them, and Ken had come over to get us to go over there, so we hung out there and then left later back to our hotel as we had to be up really early again for our sunrise boat ride on the ganges river which was awesome and very peaceful at the same time. We learned a lot about all the crematories that were near the river. As we started off there was a dead body floating in the water that I spotted before everyone else, and then I kind of freaked out because it was right next to me floating in the water. So what they do is let the bodies float down the river and then they take them and cremate them and they throw the ashes into the river. It’s a really intense way for someone to be buried. After we were done we went back to the hotel for breakfast and then some of us decided to go watch some traditional Indian dancing and we got to drink some really good cinnamon tea which tasted very much like Canela. After we were done watching we got to dance together which was awesome and we learned some of the dancing she had performed for us. After that we headed back for lunch and prepared our way back to the airport where we ended our tour and made it back to the ship the night before we left Chennai.
The last day in Chennai I just went shopping, and I realized that Chennai was a lot crazier than Northern India. I was scared for my life at times with these motorized rickshaw drivers, we were followed by all of them they all would pull up next to you and tell you to get in and it became very frustrating it took us about 40 minutes to finally get one with our price and where we needed to go. So we went to the market mall place we were supposed to go called Spencer’s Plaza where I got some awesome quilts and scarves, dvd’s and groceries. Left and headed back to the ship…yay that was India, one huge mess but a lot of fun. Kate, I totally get why you chose to study there, and I honestly think it would be a great idea for everyone to go there.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Seven Rupee!?!? That?s Like a Penny?No, That?s Like a Quarter

*Preface* That is a drunken statement made by Mike Mastroni, about street dim sum in Flic en Flac outside our villa. Yes, we eat for a dollar in Mauritius. ***35 Mauritian Rupee = 1 USD***

Now, I hope you left your judgment elsewhere as Mauritius is nothing more than another United States with so many different ethnic groups and cultures….the only difference, it’s a tropical island and a hot spot for vacationers; therefore, what do we do? Have fun. So needless to say blogging about what I did in Mauritius really isn’t going to be as awesome as the previous countries. So I’ll make it short and say, the food was amazing, the snorkeling was grand, my friends rock, I went parasailing, and the Indian Ocean is my favorite. The End. Oh and dumbass named Miles bit my roommate when we tried to help his drunk ass not get arrested, needless to say we kicked him out. The private island I went on was awesome, best SAS trip ever…future SASers Ile De Deux Cocos, it’s the most expensive but TOTALLY worth the view, the snorkeling, the food, and relaxing day. 

Waterfront, Table Mountain And A Cute South African Boy (Among Other Things)

Well where do I even begin about this wonderful place called Capetown, South Africa? From townships to table mountain, this wonderful city was wonderful to me. Upon arrival I awoke to a bright sunshiny day on the water looking at Table Mountain from the ocean as we began to pull into port. Upon arrival, I was off first thing to attend a famous author’s house, name Deon Meyer. He wrote the novel I read for my Multicultural Detective Fiction class called Dead Before Dying. We were greeted by him and his wife and entered his beautiful home to have snacks and discuss the novel. After a few hours there we headed back to the ship and I ran off the bus onto another one for my Kayaleshita Township visit with my professor for my Interpersonal Communication class. During this visit it was very obvious  to me, that are definitely two different South Africas. There is the beautiful up and coming South Africa we see right off the ship in the V&A Waterfront and then there is the side that is still affected from apartheid. Their homes were made out of scraps of metal, and other sheets that didn’t really make sense to use as a home. We got to go to Vicky’s Bed and Breakfast in the township where you can get a real township experience and stay there, something I would definitely consider doing in the future. We went to one more bed and breakfast where we had snacks and talked with a lady who went to Pitt, and learned to run a business and now helps women start up their own businesses in the townships. We then strolled through the streets of the townships, and picked up many of the children along the way that wanted to hold our hands and walk us down the street. It was definitely an experience I will never forget (clearly since I just left Vietnam, and I am almost to China in less than 48 hours, and barely writing about this experience). The following day I had made plans with my wonderful roomie, and Carter and Minh to go to Robben Island in the early morning on the first ferry out there. I am definitely glad we did so because a lot of students were not able to make it due to weather conditions, and what not. So we head out to Robben Island, and take a tour on a bus first of the whole island, with our really funny tour guide, and other foreigners from all over the world. Once we finished the island we were taken to the prison section where we were then greeted by a former prisoner during the apartheid. I didn’t know until I got there that former prisoner’s were the ones that gave the tours of the prison and told their story along with Nelson Mandela’s story. We were shown around some of the different sectors and taken into a room where there were lockers, stools, and an example of what the bunk beds looked like, that they got after several years had passed and they were forced to do so. Our guide then proceeded to explain to us that they fit 80-100 people on the floor at night, on your own mat that wasn’t very comfortable and with one blanket. He rolled out the mat and lyed on it then showed us how you maneuvered to turn around and the process of everyone turning at the same time. It was weird to hear the way things were put into sentences though, from how they were fortunate enough to study with the books they were given, when most of us think it’s such a hassle and complain about it all the time, to they had the privilege of doing this or that because of good behavior. It was definitely hard to hear some of the torturous things that happened to them, you couldn’t help but get watery-eyed or even cry, or cover your mouth because it’s so out of control. After we did all of this we walked to Nelson Mandela’s section and saw the rock he stored his papers under, and his cell. Something that was more of a tourist attraction than it should have been for some people. Fortunately on my tour we all had our own moment to take a picture of it, and reflect on it. After the tour was over we proceeded to the gift shop where I bought a quote book and Nelson Mandela’s book Long Walk to Freedom, for my Dad. It’s cooler to buy it there because it gets a stamp that says “Bought at Robben Island”. So yay for you dad! We then headed back to the mainland of Capetown and headed to get some food at Mitchell’s (which was the local Pub that all the SASers went to, and has it’s own story that only some of you get to know). Liz and I were playing it by ear on heading up to Table Mountain because the Table Cloth was there for a long time so we ate lunch, with Carter and Minh, it still wasn’t gone so we proceeded to Greenpoint Market, and got some more souvenir and gift type items. After that we headed back to the ship and we decided it was as clear as it was going to get and ran straight for a cab to get to tram. We got up there and had a marvelous view of the waterfront and all of Capetown, but it was freezing and for some reason being from Calfironia and Florida, we wore shorts and took a light jacket…thinking we’d totally be okay though it was freezing at night in Capetown. We stayed up there for about an hour taking lots of photos and having our own photo shoots on the rocks, then headed back down and got back to the ship for a little R&R. If you are wondering if I ever did anything at night for the first two nights…I did, we went to dinner usually and then headed to Mitchell’s as previously stated, but this night at Mitchell’s set the tone for the rest of my trip where I met a wonderful local named Cristian Neagu, who ethnically is Romanian but has lived in Capetown all of his life. We met on his 28th birthday which was this night and hung out every night after that with friends and stuff. I definitely learned a lot from him and really enjoyed his company (family that reads this…please don’t freak out, nothing happened). The third day, after being out relatively late with Cristian and Anna I woke up early for my sandboarding experience with Collin, Mike, Anna, and Chris. Our sandboarding guide greeted us sans shoes so we knew he was going to be an interesting character and he definitely was. After learning about the most poisonous snake in the world that was out where we were and the parasites, and the animals that all were very bad for us we proceeded to slope down the sand dunes, well everyone else did except me I just kind of fell down them. Right around lunch time we headed to get some food and visited a lovely winery where we got some wine, headed to the beach close by where we ate our sandwiches and dessert and had our red wine with sandwiches and desserty wine with dessert. Then we headed back to the dunes and went to the biggest dune and some races down and more conversation with our guide who is definitely a character that I will never forget, in fact his e-mails are quite hilarious. That night when I was back I met up with Juliana for dinner and headed to meet Cristian yet again after he was off of work. The fourth day I had a service project to the Amy Biehl Foundation Trust, something Emily had told me I had to do. I am definitely glad I did it as well. It dealt more with the townships. Amy Biehl was a fullbright scholar who came to do her work in South Africa during the apartheid as she was a believer in Nelson Mandela and wanted to help. Two days before she was supposed to leave back home to the OC in California, she was caught up in a riot in a township and killed by local members of the township because she was white and it was an antiapartheid rally and they automatically put her in with the apartheid people, though she was fighting for them. For once in my life, I finally understand the meaning of reconciliation during Desmond Tutu’s TRC after the end of the apartheid. Amy’s mother and father came out to the trail for the men that murdered their daughter, and granted them reconciliation. They never wanted to speak to them, they just wanted to move on. A few years down the road two of four men that were granted reconciliation; through the use of a mediator contacted the Biehl’s and said that they wanted to meet with them to talk about a program they were starting in the townships in order to help at risk youth. Without hesitation the father said okay, solely because of the way they managed to contact them. With that the Biehl’s became regulars to Capetown helping the two men start up their program and businesses, and thus we have the Foundation Trust. It’s baffling to me that a mother and father could do such a thing, and all the videos we watched of interviews I could see why, and I could see for once, what it looks like for someone when they reconcile with such a terrible event. We got to see what foundation did, and met the two men who murdered Amy Biehl, it was such an amazing experience for me. You can see how much of a difference this foundation is making in these children’s lives that live in the townships. More of them are graduating high school and attending college because of the foundation, they are more educated and their involvement in gangs is becoming less and less. I am definitely excited to keep in contact with this foundation and I hope to be back there to volunteer in the future. The night ended with dinner at Mama Africa with Liz and Denim and another night with Cristian at Mitchell’s. The 5th day in South Africa I was supposed to be shark cage diving but it was cancelled due to weather so I was really bummed so instead I went shopping at the mall and had a relaxing day just shopping and eating at Cristian’s restaurant, then we had a casual dinner at a burger place and Denim went back to the ship because she wasn’t feeling well and Liz and I proceeded to the pirate ship that was next to our ship for the SAS party they held for us. I then later met up with Cristian for our last night our together, which was the best one. We met up and Mitchell’s and then once it started to close he drove us to long street and we went to dubliner’s, then after that closed we went to his friend’s house and hung out there and jumped into the swimming pool and then we headed back to the ship around 6am, and I went to sleep until I woke up the next morning to just enjoy the last bit of my day in South Africa hanging out with him which ended up being more difficult than we expected, but all in all South Africa was a great time, and I am sorry this is so long, it could be longer as South Africa is in the top 3 and it was one of the longer ports.

Again sorry this is pretty much like a month late, but better late than never…

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Akwaaba, Abla Lorlorgme

Well what to say about Ghana, honestly this post could be ten times longer than all of the others but how dare I torture you all with long posts, especially since some of you named Jessica DeSalva complained…oh look you got a shout out. So our ship docked two hours late into Ghana we went around in circles for quite some time and the only good thing that came out of it was the whale watching. Little did we know this prolonged berthing would set the tone for the entire Ghanian experience. I decided last minute the night before we go to Ghana to go on the city tour since Collin wasn’t going to use his ticket. It ended up being really lame but oh well. We went to the University of Ghana, Legon, and then went to the memorial of the first President of Ghana which was the beautiful structure in all of Ghana the cleanest. We then headed to the Cultural Arts Center which was really a cool name for the shops and markets much like the souks of Morocco but way more intense. After shopping there we headed to the W.E.B DuBois center which was his house before he died when he came back to Ghana and so we toured his house and his office. After the tour I headed to the Welcome Reception at Ashei University which is where our interport student Nii was from. We got to learn some traditional Ghanian dancing from their “dance group” at the university as well as talk with numerous students about their country and they asked ours. We headed back to the ship as I had another long day ahead of me involving the Wli Waterfalls and Mona Monkeys. Denim was on this trip with me which made it amazing! We did lots of driving through Ghana’s dirt roads and finally reached the waterfalls where we hiked and crossed the same river 11 times. Once we reached the falls though, it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Hawaiian waterfalls have nothing on Wli, we splashed around and the let rushing downfall puncture our eyes and contacts the headed back to the little community and did some shopping. After we left we proceeded to the Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary where we fed the monkeys bananas, and continued to play with the children in the village there. Got back to the ship rather late and decided to not do my habitat for humanity the next day because I heard it was another 8 hours of driving and I just couldn’t do that anymore. So instead I hung out with Andy, Rachel, and Yvette and we went into Tema and had some amazing legit Chinese food, best dumplings ever…yes they have Chinese in Ghana, don’t ask. Then we went to the market and bougth some groceries for the ship, you know survival stuff like soda chips and candy so we don’t spend a dollar every day. Then we headed back to the ship for a little RnR and then proceeded into Accra to do some shopping, where  I got some cool hats, and I bought my hand carved and handmade Ghanian drum! It’s soooo cool! I was also hanging out with our LLC Mario at this point and we had some epic adventures of our own going around looking for food and what not since he forgot to read his green sheet and he didn’t have access to a bank because he had MasterCard, future SASers read your green sheet…ALWAYS. Anyway the last day was by far the coolest cultural experience I had while in Ghana and will forever be a part of me, and that’s where the title of this blog comes from. I went to the Torgorme Village where I was given a traditional name of Abla Lorlorgme, it means Loveday…(I am finishing this blog post-South Africa, so some of you might find what my name means particularly funny like I did). We then proceeded to dance and listen to music and hang out with the village people until a torrential downpour happened…are you seeing a pattern now? Then we headed to where we were going to visit a bat cave, which was an epic adventure. Since the rain fell, the dirt of Ghana is clay and our bus couldn’t go to the point where we just hike to the cave, so we walked in mud, and Barbara one of the Lifelong Learners, who is actually in her late 20s who pretty much is a Barbie, was trekking through the mud like she owend the place it was awesome. Then we were thinking we would walk into the cave, oh no, I was legit rock climbing and scaling, and it smelled like bat pee. Gross! Whatever, it was interesting. Anyway, we made it back to the ship and got on, and man did I have the time of my life. It was hard to see the shape that Ghana was in but great to see the steps towards their new democracy. They definitely are on their way to becoming a better country. It’s hard seeing malnourished children and complaining about eating the same thing every day on the ship, so I guess I don’t have much to complain about anymore. I complain because there’s salada, cheese, pasta, potatoes, and some funky meat or fish and steamed vegetables everrry day but these kids are lucky if they get at least one thing. Over all I think I learned a lot from Ghana, the people are so friendly they are also in love with Obama (it was really hard to bite my tongue), and they enjoy Americans, it was by the far the first country we felt most welcome…probably because we were the largest group of Americans ever to visit Ghana at one time. By the way…Akwaaba, means welcome.

(sorry this is only two and a half weeks late…)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Just Your Average Day Riding A Camel, In the Sahara

So Morocco was my fist and only overnight trip through Semester at Sea. I decided that I didn’t want to risk having a bad time or not feeling safe in the country so I chose to do the four day and three nights trip to Marakkech and Camel Trek in the Sahara. Immediately after the ship was cleared we got our stuff and headed to the buses and we were on our way to Marakkech. It was a three hour bus ride, that was wonderful. Our guide’s name was Jamal, and he was the youngest looking 28 year old I have ever seen. After we arrived in Marakkech we ate lunch a restaurant in the old medina (old city), where we had Chicken Tajine. A tajine is the thing they cook their food in and it’s what the dish is called as well. After lunch Mike, Alyssa and myself head out to the souks (markets) in the medina. We enjoyed perusing around and had a light dose of bargaining and we bought these cute hand painted bowls for ourselves but stopped there since we still needed to trek out to the Sahara. After about 25 minutes, it started to down pour, out of nowhere. Well not completely nowhere, seeing as we saw the nasty clouds but we thought they were going the other way. Needless to say, we were getting drenched and my camera was exposed so we ran under someone’s souk and they let us stay there until it died down. They gave me a plastic bag for my camera since I didn’t have a bad with me, they were really nice. Later my friends Vanessa and Alex came running up to us and they were DRENCHED. We stayed there for about 30 minutes and once it was done we ran to where the buses were thinking they would come early for us, but NOPE. Once we got to the buses we headed to our hotels and got ready for our dinner at 8:30, I am not used to eating that late anymore so it was hard. We went to this place we now call Fantasia because it was like the Morocco World that never made it to Epcot at Walt Disney World. It was a cool experience and we had couscous and other delicious foods. The next day we woke up early for our drive to the Sahara stopping for lunch along the way where I ate pigeon (it’s considered a delicacy in Morocco), and in my opinion, ONE LESS BIRD for Kate to be scared of ;). When we reached the camels we loaded up and trekked about an hour to our nomad camp which was much more than I expected.  It was beautifully decorated and all our tents were up. We watched the sunset and took fun pictures and then had dinner at 8:30 when the sun went down since it was Ramadan and we had to wait for them to eat which was cool. Then we continued to celebrate through out the night with the nomads in song and dance, and go to see the women make fresh bread and what not. We played games and chatted till around 1AM and then I rested my head on a pillow that was outside in one of the areas where we had dinner, since ther was a rather large bug in my tent when I  went to change. I bundled up and made sure my pants were tucked into my shoes and I covered me ears and wore a jacket no bugs for me thank you! The next morning we woke up for sunrise and hiked to the top of the hill and took more fun pictures then got on our camel and headed back for the buses. We drove again back to Marakkech and had that night on our own. Our tour guide decided to take us to a private restaurant in the medina and it was wonderful, we drove by the mosque and saw 40,000 people praying and then as we got off the bus, they all started walking towards the medina at once, it was an amazing experience to be a part of. We saw the celebration in the medina all night and it was awesome. I was definitely glad I decided to take up the offer my tour guide provided. The next day we woke up early and headed out to the souks again it was about a 35 minute walk and we spent the day shopping away at everything we knew we wanted to buy.  Then we headed out of Marakkech around noon back to Casablanca. I didn’t really spend much time in Casablanca I went to the wannabe souks they had just to get some last minute stuff I needed, and my sister’s tea since I couldn’t find it in Marakkech, but I was back on the ship by 12:30 and didn’t leave again as I didn’t really find Casablanca that great of place and it was a really far walk from the ship to the port gate. So I enjoyed laying out and hanging out instead. Overall I had the greatest cultural experience while in morocco hanging out with the nomads and the locals. Being a part of the Ramadan experience and learning all that I could about a country that is unified by their religion. It  is truly amazing to me how unified Morocco was as a country because of one religion, something very different from the United States where religion has torn our country apart. Congrats if you read through all of this!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Even If You Are A Vegetarian?TRY THE HAM!

We arrived in Cadiz and I woke up the earliest I have ever woken up at 6am, watched the sunrise and our porting into Cadiz. I went out on a hunt with friends to get my bus ticket for Sevilla the next day. We ended up with some really bossy girls in our group who were too dumb to bring some currency with them or a debit card and the banks were closed, so of course it becomes our problem! Finally myself and Lindsay and Mackenzie split off from the pack and went walking around Cadiz by ourselves. It was such a cute little town and I enjoyed walking through the alleyway neighborhoods and seeing where they live and how they interact with each other. We ran into some of my other favorite girls on the ship, and took pictures with them by the beach and did a little shopping. We went back to the ship around 12:15 to eat lunch and then Lindsay was off to her tour. I then went out with Alyssa, Denim, Kristen, and one of my roommates Liz. We walk around some more and we had lunch with them but I dind’t eat and got some ice cream and then went back for Siesta time. Later I went out with a way too large group of friends and we probably walked a good 4-5 miles because someone said it wasn’t a far walk, and we were always almost there…NOT. Most people saw the down side of it, but I said “I’d rather be walking five miles in Spain, than in Thousand Oaks, or Indio”. I just didn’t understand how they didn’t appreciate being in Spain. Finally after three break offs from the group it was myself, Denim, and the two boys were following all night that led the group. We ended up hanging with the locals on a beach bar and walking along the beach. It was a really good night and I went to sleep at 3:30 AM and woke up 3.5 hours later for breakfast and getting to the bus station hoping my friend Sam who I convinced to come last minute with me could get on our bus that morning. So day 2 was our trip to Sevilla, we went by bus and got there around 11:30 and we walked around all day. We saw the Catedral, went up La Giralda and took pictures of all of Sevilla, then went to La Plaza de Espana, and el Palacio de San Telmo. I was exhausted and we headed back to our hostel, which was amazing because we could call home for free, free internet and breakfast and we paid 16 euro for the night. Later we went out to dinner and it took two restaurants to eat since the first one pretty much made us so uncomfortable we left, but the second was amazing and lots of fun. I didn’t go out because I was exhausted and went to sleep early and survived my first hostel ever which was a great experience. The next day we woke up and went and finished up with the Alcazar. It was beautiful! We spent about two hours there and it was so huge, I was so overwhelmed I just stopped taking pictures because they did not justice of the place. We finished the amazing garden which reminded me of so many movies with the extravagant gardens like the Secret Garden. We had tapas in the garden cafeteria and then headed out to catch our bus. While we waited for our bus though, there was a riot going on and it was really interesting to hear and see, and then it was also scary because the police were suited up and ready to shoot fire if necessary. A couple of hours later we got on our bus and headed back to Cadiz. That night Lindsay and I hadn’t seen each other in forever and we just wanted to hang out so we ate dinner on the ship and went out for Sangria and conversation. Then we ended up at a club and stayed out with the Spaniards till 5:30AM. The following day I walked around Cadiz shopping last minute with my roommates and then went off with this girl Corrin who was by herself and did my shopping. We got back on the ship by 4:15pm and on ship time was 6pm. I went up to the pool and tanned and got in the pool with my friends. All in all, Spain was amazing I can’t wait to go back.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm on a ship in the Middle of the Atlantic!

Well let’s do a run down of the last few days I have had since I left home! I flew out of LAX at 10:38pm arrived in Baltimore at 6:41AM plane delayed so I missed my flight in Toronto to get to Halifax arrived in Halifax an hour later and had the person I was sharing a room waiting for me with two other people from her flight, there were semester at sea kids everywhere particularly everyone that was work study. Lindsay is the girl that I met at the airport along with Kelsey and Kareem…we then all proceeded to the Westin, and Kelsey ended up staying with us instead of going to the hostel by herself. I had lots of fun with them. The next day we got up and headed out to the ship to check in for work study. Had some orientation type stuff and they put us straight to work for a few, later that evening we went out with another girl named Alyssa, and sat at a restaurant and chatted and had some hummus and what not. We didn’t go to “The Dome” where everyone was meeting at from SAS because we heard from the locals it was sketchy and not to go on THURSDAYS lol. I was supposed to meet Mike there, but I didn’t go and then when I saw him he said yea neither did I. It’s pretty fast paced going on the ship once the other 460 or so students got on, it’s funny to see how people self select themselves with others on the ship and great to meet tons of people, we are much smaller than most Semester at Sea communities but it’s a lot of fun so far. I found out that I am working for Student Life as their Activities Program Assistant…aka. I DO ALL THE ACTIVITIES…it’s like being Jesse or now Ryan as PB Director but not PB under you, and with 1/16th of the resources and funding. Yea…. So I am supposed to put on events every day except two days before port while at sea just for an hour and a half and what not so if you have any ideas that could be thrown my way for activities on a ship with not even markers and no funding let me know! Leaving Halifax was amazing, I couldn’t believe it, when we  finished our lifeboat drill and then we all go to the top it was sooo crazy I got chills because we were finally and there was no going back, but WHO WOULD?! Orientation day sucked it was soooo long and the ship was moving which doesn’t make me sick at all instead I fall asleep on every soft surface I sit and since this is a ship,  that used to be a cruise ship…that is all there is…MAJOR PROBLEM. I can’t really read without falling asleep lay in bed without doing anything. I have so much reading it’s ridiculous I don’t know how to read 181 pages in two days, craziness. My class schedule is interesting but “flexible”. That word is in quotations because it’s the word of the ship we have to learn flexibility in order to overcome our limitations here on the ship. Today was A Day 1 or A1 as we call it first day of classes I had Global Studies and Multicultural Detective Fiction. Tomorrow is B1 so I have Interpersonal Communication and Deviance and Social Control, the professors are awesome (and as I write this I am pretty sure I just heard thunder….crap) and very helpful I love this whole integrated learning thing on the ship having the Life Long Learners and LLCs (formerly known as RDs) and just the family or spouses of faculty and staff. I’m loving it so far and found a group of people for Spain, unfortunately I will not be making it to Granada for La Alhambra like I wanted as time will not permit it but Seville is a go! ☺ And I have a group, like they say, just go with the flow and it will work out so I am pretty much set for everything up till Ghana assuming I get the day trips I want. Sale 1 is taking place and I am sure it’s going to be difficult I didn’t get a home stay and it’s required for a class. Well I have written way too much but last but not least here is some ship terminology for you when I use it.

Forward – front of the ship
Aft – back of the ship
Starboard – right side
Port – left side
Deck – not level or floor
Voyage – not cruise
And finally it’s a friggin SHIP not a BOAT!
LLL – Life Long Learner
LLC – Living Learning Coordinator (formerly RDs for you previous SASers)
CEO – no one knows, but it’s the RAs they changed the names though it’s a new program

P.S – we are the 100th voyage and we have the best shirts everrrrr! And I am the yellow sea deck three in the ghetto haha four of us in one room lame but whatever!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Well, it's time!

So as I write this post I am about 24 hours and some change away from being on my flight headed to Halifax, Canada. What am I feeling? Oh everything possible, you think after leaving for a semester to DC that I'd know how to handle this, but nope, leaving the country and really not seeing anyone I know for 4 months that my friends is a scary concept. I have packed my life into two duffel bags, which tomorrow still need some rearranging for weight limits, and getting rid of some stuff since I think I could lose a few tops, I don't even remember packing pajamas to be quite honest. I have my new billabong backpack I bought today, and my REI hiking/daypack to be filled tomorrow with leftovers and dvds and all that good stuff. I'm sure I am forgetting something but almost positive I will find it in Halifax if need be.

I am excited, I can't believe it's finally here, I've been waiting for this day for two years and it wasn't easy getting here either, but all the stress and troubles and financial figures have worked themselves out and tomorrow when I get on that plane and go to bed for the night and arrive in Canada the next day, it will be well worth it. Sure I am going to cry, but who doesn't cry, it's natural. I'm about to learn to get out of my comfort zone like no one's business, I'm gonna see things very few people will ever get to see and do things even fewer will ever do. I'm going to live up this moment like none before. And of course I am going to miss my beloved family and friends.

Emily, thank you sooooo much for all your help, you could have made me figure it out on my own but you were very helpful, I promise to e-mail you and let you know all the crazy adventures, and ship experiences just because we both know, you will be the only one who gets it, and I will make sure to get dressed, to "go up" and laugh when I do it :).

I'm really excited, and sure as hell nervous and as much as I talked to Emily I still have NO IDEA what to expect, I am ready to meet new friends and meet the ones I am already friends with like Mike the guy from Colorado who we've both already decided is going to be my bestie on the ship. Now I am not the type for experiencing wonderful things on my own, but I am sure I will think of all you that I love so much with every experience I have and at times wish you were right beside me, but know that I can't wait to see you all in January and share all of our adventures abroad we've had!

So my friends, this is the last you will hear from me until I get settled on the ship, to my family that reads this, thank you for being so wonderful and helpful in making this experience possible. if anyone wants to e-mail its: or

Much Love,

Monday, July 27, 2009

29 Days!

Holy Crap.

Still a lot to do, and way overwhelmed with everything between work and SAS. Well this is going to be insane but I am so ready and nervous and excited. You think after all the talking I have done with Emily picking her brains to pieces that I would feel like I know what I am getting myself into, I still have no clue what to expect. I've been avoiding doing a day count for the last two weeks because I didn't want to know how close it was getting but I thought it was finally time. So since the last post I have changed and added to my list of what I will be doing. So here is the updated itinerary for myself for each country that I have figured out.

Canada: Explore and go to the club everyone is meeting at.
Spain: Sevilla
Morocco: Marrakech and Camel Trek in the Sahara 4 days / 3 nights
Ghana: still NO IDEA
South Africa: Shark Cage Diving, Skydiving, explore Cape Town (not completely planned yet)
Mauritius: Catamaran, Service Visit, and something else (not completely planned yet)
Vietnam: Hanoi visit, Halong Bay Cruise, Ho Chi Minh shopping day.
India: Dehli, Agra, Varanasi, Kate (hopefully, playing it by ear)
Hong Kong: day of exploration
China: Beijing - Great Wall of China (hike and sleep on), Acrobat show, village visits, Olympic Venues, Tiananmen Square, Summer Palace, Shaghai.
Japan: homestay one night, and some other stuff that I haven't figured out yet.
Hawaii: surfing, and seeing New Moon in theaters.

So yes, I still haven't set in stone anything in Spain, Ghana, SA, Mauritius, or Japan. So we will see what everyone else on the ship decides to do. I still need to turn in some paper work that I haven't gotten to do, get my yellow fever vaccination, malaria pills, couple of books, another luggage, currency, flight, hotel and I am good. Man...oh and I gotta slang some blades to make some more money. So until either the night before I fly out or the day I move in/on the ship!

Friday, June 19, 2009

70 Days!

-70 days as of Friday, June 19th that we depart from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- 69 days till I get on the ship because of work study
- 68 days till I get to Halifax.
...not that I am counting or anything...

I'm excited, nervous and scared...and waiting with each day making me a little more anxious. haha.

I feel like I need to get some more research done, but I think I am going to be okay.

Planning China has been going nicely, and I am glad so many people are interested in joining this amazing adventure.

I don't know exactly what I want to do or see in each country yet but here are some tenative ideas:

Canada - whatever I can!
Spain - seville / la alhambra / barcelona
Morocco - marrakech / saharra
Ghana - idea... beach town
South Africa - Skydiving / Shark cage diving / cape town / safari
Mauritius - Scuba diving
India - Kate :) / Taj Mahal / Dalit Village
Viet Nam - idea...
China - hong kong, beijing city tour, sleep on great wall of china, shanghai
Japan - disneyland, hiroshima, tokoyo, ice bar
Hawaii - zip lining, surfing, skydiving again, see New Moon (yes, I will go watch a movie cuz it's Hawaii and not a a foreign country), call Matt Sagum!

I need to get my plane ticket, shots and pills, books, and figuring out my packing situation hah! OH man...

Monday, June 1, 2009

95 Days & Counting

So a little update on Semester at Sea. I am officially going, a lot of things are finally coming together in terms of funding. For once in my life I received financial aid, I got $4,000 from the program through work study in the Student Life office, two hours a day every day that we are at sea but not in port. Also, my grandma decided to give me my money left by my great grandma early, sine I am not supposed to have it until I am 21, so that was another 5,581 dollars towards Semester at Sea that I was hoping she would give to me early. I am really excited! I love talking to Emily about everything. Right now I am planning the Great Wall of China trip or the entire China Indy Adventure which should be really cool since a lot of past SASers and have used the company and really enjoyed it. I can't figure out when I am going to go fly to Canada cuz I want to see some of Halifax but a lot of people aren't going till the 26th and I have to be on the ship the 27th so I want to go the 25th, hopefully more people will go and I can find some people to room with or something. I need to get working on my visas and stuff, I am being a total slacker, not okay, but I am also just working a lot right now, it's a Vector Summer you know what that means! I am actually having a horrible summer start. Oh well, I'll do better eventually...hopefully

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The End is Here

Well, this is my last week here. Just finishing out the internship and packing up and getting ready to go. Can't wait to get to CLU to see all my besties! I land in LAX at 11pm on Thursday

Until Semester at Sea


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

15 Days & Counting!

So as my time here in DC starts to get a little more awesome, it is only 15 days until I return home to wonderful CLU and prepare for another adventure called Semester at Sea. This past weekend my dad was here again and we did a lot. The weather has been wonderful in DC, the cherry blossoms are blooming and the sun is shining, the paddle boats are out on the Potomac in the Tidal Basin, and the grass is green on the National Mall, finally the weather I've been waiting for! While my dad was here I checked off quite a few things from my list. The best part was staying at the Ritz Carlton and hanging out with the Detroit Pistons haha. We finished the two Smithsonians I hadn't been too and that my dad was interested in, then we had dinner at Tombs in Georgetown that Candice told me about Wednesday night. We also went to this homemade ice cream shop in Georgetown that Candice referred to me it was amazing! We went through GWs campus and got me a shirt and his shot glass, then we also treked through Georgetown's campus looking for their bookstore, which was impossible to find. I didn't want anything by the time we got it because it was so hot from walking everywhere. The Capitals Hockey game was amazing!! Go CAPS they are going to rock the play-offs! Jefferson Memorial and Cherry Blossom Festival were awesome! That's basically what we did in a nutshell! Now n exactly five short hours I will be waking up to prepare on the best adventure to date: a Supreme Court Oral Argument. YAY! A group of us are getting up early to make breakfast for ourselves and the boys (Kevin Bumb, Eric, and Tyler) and the girls (Me, Amanda, Heather). Pancakes are my deal, Eggs are Amanda's and the boys better bring the syrup! lol. Actually we all need to wake up first! Haha. Anyway, then after that, I have a field trip for Violence and Values at the Arlington Detention Center, they told the girls to wear conservative clothing and nothing that sticks to you, uhh jeans stick to you!!! This should be interesting haha. Then our field trip with LCWS is to see Chicago at the theater! It's going to be a long and exciting day! I'm most excited for the Supreme Court hearing of course, it starts at 10am but since so many people try to go we have to get in line by 6:30am-7am. I bought my plane ticket home! I will be flying into LAX on April 16th, at 11:06pm WOOOO! This weekend I am doing all my community service hours working at the Cherry Blossom Parade and then an easter egg hunt thing here at the apartments.

Semester at Sea changed the itinerary on us again, we are no longer going to Croatia, Egypt, and Turkey due to piracy issues that they are unsure will be resolved by the time we go. So now my itinerary looks a little something like this along with my cheaper tuition because I got moved to an Economy cabin! WOO!
Fall 2009 Voyage Ports:
- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Cadiz, Spain
- Casablanca, Morocco
- Accra, Ghana
- Cape Town, South Africa
- Port Louis, Mauritius
- Chennai, India
- Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
- Hong Kong
- Shanghai, China
- Kobe / Yokohama, Japan
- Honolulu / Hilo, Hawaii
- San Diego, CA

Yay! Although I had stuff planned, it's time to restart my planning now that my itinerary got changed. Emily I can't wait to talk to you about South Africa and Mauritius! Our Ghana stop is the first one EVER on Semester at Sea so that's really exciting! I'm a little nervous about the new African countries, but I think I will be okay, I just want to make sure I don't get sick or anything like that, I am really paranoid about that kind of stuff, I also have to get lots of shots before I go.

Anyway, DC is finishing out nicely, just one ten-page paper in my way, the debate and final test for Controversy should be a breeze, I hope I got an A on my presentation with my group last week because then I just need to Ace this paper and hopefuly get an A- but I'll more than likely get a B+ cuz he is not the greatest of professors.

Well I need to go to bed, long Wednesday ahead of me!


P.S - List continued after finishing some of it:
- Bureau of Engraving
- Mt. Vernon
- Resevoir
- Kennedy Center
- Eastern Market
- Army/Navy/Air Force Memorial

Monday, March 23, 2009

25 Days Left!

Only 3.5 weeks left! I really miss California, and I really can't wait to get back home, but I am definitely not ready to leave DC, it's just a wonderful city and beautiful to wake up to every morning and see the Washington Monument, having lunch in front of the White House, sitting on the steps of the Supreme Court, sitting on the steps at the top of the Lincoln Memorial at night peering over the national mall. I've gotten a few things off my list from two posts ago, but developed a few more things to add to that list haha. So here is the new list of things I need to do and I am going to do soon:

- Capitals Hockey Game (3/27)
- Tombs Restaurant (3/25)
- Thomas Sweets (3/25)
- State Department (3/25)
- Bureau of Engraving
- Finish American History and Air & Space
- Kennedy Center
- Eastern Market
- Jefferson Memorial
- Army/Navy Memorial
- Mama Ayesha's
- Caribou Coffee (3/27)
- Dupont Circle
- Adams Morgan (3/28)

Along with all my school work: 1 paper due (3/25), 1 presentation (3/26), 3 case briefs (3/30), 1 debate to prepare for (4/13), one 10 page paper (4/16) ...oh and my 12 hours of community service to finish.

Community Service Line Up: (9 More Hours to Complete)
- Cherry Blossom Festival Parade: 4.5 Hours (4/1)
- Easter Day Celebration @ Riverplace: 2.5 Hours (4/1)
- Serving Dinner at N Street Village: 2 hours (soon)

Oh man, I feel overwhelmed now, anyway, that's what my last few days in the District will consist of...oh I almost forgot.

Dad visits 3/25-3/30
Travis Becker visits 3/28-4/1
Natasha visits 4/9-12

I go home 4/17 and hello Coachella Fest!

Much Love,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One Month Left! :)

And I am home!! Yay! I can't wait, it's becoming overwhelming being here to be quite honest, I can't focus on preparing things for Semester at Sea, Emily I understand why you were stressing so much! We just got e-mails today about the payment deadlines and what not. So I guess this blog will be starting to shift in that direction soon, but before that can happen I have to finish this semester, and do all these applications for scholarships, grants, jobs, and what not for Semester at Sea and working this summer. So this weekend was really low key, just did a little bit of shopping and went to the American Art and National Portrait Galleries. So, check off that list! Tomorrow I am going on a tour of the Supreme Court, and then I also get finish the American History Museum! Check and Check! I ate some Afghan food today during lunch at the Koch Foundation which was really good, I can't wait till next Tuesday! haha! Maybe I will go there just for funzies by myself again soon! Hehe. It's only one stop down! Anyway, I guess I am making the best of things while I am finishing up here. My dad flies in on Monday which is great! And he will be here for a couple of days, so I can see him and it will make it go by fast. Then on Friday Travis Becker will be coming into town for the weekend so we will be havin some fun! Oh and we have our meeting with our advisors back home on the Friday Travis gets in. Natasha gets here the 9th-12th of April and I am good to go with 4 days left and going home! YAY! Anyway! I need to go get my favorite ice cream I discovered, which they don't have in California, Andes Mint Ice Cream Sandwich! :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Busy..or not.

Well it's been silent lately.
Well, my birthday in New York City was amazing! Wicked was amazing! I can't wait to go back for another Broadway play/musical! I'm hoping to make it back to NYC to see In the Heights on Broadway before I leave. I really enjoyed seeing my mom and my sister, but once they left, I realized how badly I am ready to go home, I miss my nieces, they are growing up so fast and I don't even see it. Jessica and Victoria came to visit, Jessica is still here right now, she leaves on Monday. It was really good to see them, and sadly it was also bad timing, as I realized how much I don't enjoy being here. I am trying to stay on the upside and think the best of the rest of these five weeks that are ahead of me. I can't believe it's only five more weeks! Haha, crazy! Anyway, DC has been good to me, and I am sure it will continue to be good to me as I continue to finish out this semester. I have a list of things I still need to do, and I plan to get them alllll done! So here it goes.

- Smithsonians: American History (finish), Air and Space (finish), Portrait Gallery (done 3/15), American Art (done 3/15).
- Mint factory (see the money that isn't worth anything be made!)
- Crystal City
- Mama Ayesha's ...just for you Lizzy
- Jefferson Memorial
- Kennedy Center
- Navy/Army Memorial
- Night tour of National Mall (done 3/21)
- Mr. Smith's
- Georgetown Cupcakes
- Eastern Market
- Caribou Coffee

Hmm, I am sure the list will get bigger! lol. Which isn't good since I have so little time, but I plan to get through most of it this weekend! hehe.
Ok goodnight!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Birthday Weeeeeeeek!

Well, first of all sorry that I haven't written in a while, I've been busy being a grown up..dumb. Haha. Anyway, today we went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum, it was pretty cool, too much reading on things I mostly already knew, but some of it made me feel sick inside because of how horrible everything was, I mean some of the footage they have is just horrible. After the Holocaust memorial, I met with my mom and sister when they got in from Dulles airport, and we went to eat at Cafe Asia since they didn't eat all day and neither did I. Then they left for the hotel afterwards and tomorrow I have to work but this is the agenda for my birthday!

Tomorrow: Work, Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington Monument w/mom and sister, dinner, class, sleeping at the hotel with them to leave for NYC the next day.

Friday-Sunday - NYC!! my sister has everything planned from restaurants, to tours, to seeing WICKED on BROADWAY in some bitchin' seats! I am sooo excited! It's my birthday present from her :). We're going to the statue of liberty and times square and just everrrywhere! I am so excited! ahhh!!

They leave Monday morning and then Friday morning the 6th, Jessica and Victoria fly in!! :) :) yay!!! That's another whole experience haha!

Well that's all for now!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Beginning of a Great Week

So, the weather forecast for this week is all in the mid-50s, and 60s, how wonderful, except I am going to Boston on I won't be enjoying the nice weather for long. Anyway, this weekend was filled with amazingness!

On Friday after work, I stayed in and got some rest to prepared for the eventful weekend ahead of me. I read some twilight and talked to some friends...and oooo I made tacos for dinner they were simply amazing.

Saturday started out awesome! I woke up and made some pancakes and then got ready to go out to the Smithsonian's. It was a day to be filled with much laughter and many adventures. Reshai and I left at about 1:45 and when we were on the metro, we started playing with my phone and we were stopped on the metro and when people were starting to get on the train I looked up and read "Smithsonian" and I yelled "WE NEED TO GET OFF HERE!" very loudly and it was so fast and so loud that we just started laughing the minute we finally got off on time. So we sounded like the ultimate tourists. We walked around mindlessly till we found some smithsonian type buildings haha. We walked into some Asian art places and kinda just looked passed them quickyl because it wasnt really our thing. Then we went to the Castle to get some information and we left to the Air and Space Museum which we only got through 1/6th of because it was sooo huge! I felt like a little kid, I have some awesome pictures...especially of some badass really...those things will eff you up good. Don't mess with the US. They had a sweet display of the Space Race between Russia and the US...and well lets just say that their space suits sucked compared to ours too! haha. Well anyway we got some lunch and then realized we only had like an hour and a half left so we decided to got hte American History Museum, and it took us a while to get there but we stopped through the sculpture park and took some pictures and then we saw 1/3 of the American History Museum which had some pretty cool stuff. I particularly liked them First Ladies section with the dresses and portraits and stuff...Hilary Clinton and Michelle Obama had horrible pictures...they weren't hte most flattering. After that we went through the star spangled banner exhibit which was beautiful and the original flag was gorgeously displayed. We left and headed back to the apartment for a bit before heading to Pentagon City so I could get another charger for my laptop and Reshai could get his Blackberry Storm, also visit Marshall's and a do a little shopping, our favorite around here. The night ended with some rushing to Safeway because we got back to Rosslyn at 9:45 and had to get to safeway before it closed so we could get some alcohol. By the way they don't sell hard alcohol in grocery stores here...also you can't get it on Sundays lol and the closest liquor store is across the bridge in Georgetown, super annoying. Anyway, we finally got back I made an amazing frito pie and then headed to Reshai's room with him and Sam, Mitch and Megan for some power hour fun.

Sunday was filled with a day in georgetown which is sooo cute, by the way in case you don't know, because I didn't georgetown is really a town it's not just the name of the school. It's very ritzy and very cute. It was a beautiful 68 degrees today so I wore my new dress from H&M and leggings for when it got a litttle breezy and my slouch boots, perfect weather for that outfit. We spent a few hours there shopping and then had a late lunch/early dinner at Pizzeria Uno and walked back over the bridge back to Rosslyn. I spent the rest of the night watching the grammy's and being on facbeook it was wonderful. Now I am off to bed so I can wake up for work

I can't wait to leave for Boston and see Megan and Jessica!! Then my mom and my sister will be here a week and a half later for my birthday!! And off to New York! yay! I love it!!

I also just realize I have 9 weeks insane is that!??! I need to get a move on all the things I need to do haha! I have so much to see still!!

Until next time!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Oh Groundhog, you little f***er.

Thank you for seeing your shadow and continuing winter for another six weeks, please realize that I only want you to extend winter when I live in California, thank you...until next year.

And on that note, the weather has been ridiculous to say the least, I don't particularly care for this pattern of every two days it changes from 30s to 40s to 50s to 60 to 40 to 30s to 20s....WTF IS THAT?!? It's stupid, that's what.

Anyway the internship is going great, Tuesdays as I have said before I go to the Koch Foundation and this past Tuesday we all went out to a bar afterwards for appetizers and drinks (non-alcoholic of course due to the legalities behind it even if you are 21). It was really nice to go out with the other interns from Koch because they are just great people to be around and talk to all the time. Overall I am finding I enjoy them more than the people in my program, because I don't really hang out with the people in my program much besides my roommates and Reshai and occassionally watch LOST with a girl down the hall. Don't get me wrong I hang out with them but I just don't want to drink and I don't have access to them as easily like on a CLU Campus. It is very much an adult life where we just work and get tired and go to bed, but needless to say I am excited to start exploring by myself and connecting with a few interns that live in the area a little closer to hang out with on the weekends.

This weekend I am planning on doing the whole Smithsonian's thing. Starting tomorrow with Reshai and my roommate Aulden. I also need to open a bank account here as well. that was just me making my list ofthings to do real quick haha. I am really excited though because I leave on Thursday for Boston and I get to see Megan and Jessica and others from CLU and be in boston for four days!!! :) YAYAYAYAY!! I LOOOVE BOSTON. The flight was pretty cheap too so that was nice. My birthday is in 22 days :) My sister and mom will be here in 19 days and we are going to go to New York.

I'm okay with the fact that I am not as social here as I thought I would be...I am realizing that I am here for a professional experience and learning the world of politics and all that DC has to offer. I'm realizing what a great city it is with many possibilities and it really is about who you know. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to network and understand that its true, you really gotta know the right people and thats all I hear around here. I am finding that I may want to go to Law School out here and if I start working my ass off my chances of getting into GWU are very good, possibly with a slight scholarship, it would be just perfect to be out here for Law School.

I love getting packages from people at school or from friends at home, I think it's awesome. I always wished I was an out of state student so I could get packages like all my friends at CLU. Now that I do it just makes me sooo happy. I have gotten packages from Jessica Kolstad, Megan, and Jessica DeSalva. I got cookies and other random stuff and then socks that were my christmas present a little late but still awesome and then the ultimate...NEW MOON, the second book in the Twilight Series for those of you that don't know. I am staring at it right now trying to not grab it and run away to my room to read, because I will definitely not talk for a while until I am done.

I have found a new love for reading an educating myself on topics thanks to the Koch Foundation. I have like 15 books and two of them are a collaboration of readings they bounded together for us. It's just amazing. I recently just read The Law by Bastiat, basically just this crazy libertarian who thinks the Law is corrupt and what not and how we abuse it and talked about natural rights, which I have come to love and talk about a lot. There is this one annoying law student that is an intern and asks dumb questions that just piss people off because we don't know if he is actually curious or just trying to start a debate...and I hate that.

Well I am sorry that this is longer than usual and I hope you enjoy my ramblings...if you would like to send me a birthday package ;) hahaha... my address is at the bottom of the page I think?? If not text me haha :) Anyway, I will be sending postcards soon!!


P.S - Kimmy and Emily I am pretty sure you are the only people who read this but whatever! Haha!