Sunday, September 13, 2009

Even If You Are A Vegetarian?TRY THE HAM!

We arrived in Cadiz and I woke up the earliest I have ever woken up at 6am, watched the sunrise and our porting into Cadiz. I went out on a hunt with friends to get my bus ticket for Sevilla the next day. We ended up with some really bossy girls in our group who were too dumb to bring some currency with them or a debit card and the banks were closed, so of course it becomes our problem! Finally myself and Lindsay and Mackenzie split off from the pack and went walking around Cadiz by ourselves. It was such a cute little town and I enjoyed walking through the alleyway neighborhoods and seeing where they live and how they interact with each other. We ran into some of my other favorite girls on the ship, and took pictures with them by the beach and did a little shopping. We went back to the ship around 12:15 to eat lunch and then Lindsay was off to her tour. I then went out with Alyssa, Denim, Kristen, and one of my roommates Liz. We walk around some more and we had lunch with them but I dind’t eat and got some ice cream and then went back for Siesta time. Later I went out with a way too large group of friends and we probably walked a good 4-5 miles because someone said it wasn’t a far walk, and we were always almost there…NOT. Most people saw the down side of it, but I said “I’d rather be walking five miles in Spain, than in Thousand Oaks, or Indio”. I just didn’t understand how they didn’t appreciate being in Spain. Finally after three break offs from the group it was myself, Denim, and the two boys were following all night that led the group. We ended up hanging with the locals on a beach bar and walking along the beach. It was a really good night and I went to sleep at 3:30 AM and woke up 3.5 hours later for breakfast and getting to the bus station hoping my friend Sam who I convinced to come last minute with me could get on our bus that morning. So day 2 was our trip to Sevilla, we went by bus and got there around 11:30 and we walked around all day. We saw the Catedral, went up La Giralda and took pictures of all of Sevilla, then went to La Plaza de Espana, and el Palacio de San Telmo. I was exhausted and we headed back to our hostel, which was amazing because we could call home for free, free internet and breakfast and we paid 16 euro for the night. Later we went out to dinner and it took two restaurants to eat since the first one pretty much made us so uncomfortable we left, but the second was amazing and lots of fun. I didn’t go out because I was exhausted and went to sleep early and survived my first hostel ever which was a great experience. The next day we woke up and went and finished up with the Alcazar. It was beautiful! We spent about two hours there and it was so huge, I was so overwhelmed I just stopped taking pictures because they did not justice of the place. We finished the amazing garden which reminded me of so many movies with the extravagant gardens like the Secret Garden. We had tapas in the garden cafeteria and then headed out to catch our bus. While we waited for our bus though, there was a riot going on and it was really interesting to hear and see, and then it was also scary because the police were suited up and ready to shoot fire if necessary. A couple of hours later we got on our bus and headed back to Cadiz. That night Lindsay and I hadn’t seen each other in forever and we just wanted to hang out so we ate dinner on the ship and went out for Sangria and conversation. Then we ended up at a club and stayed out with the Spaniards till 5:30AM. The following day I walked around Cadiz shopping last minute with my roommates and then went off with this girl Corrin who was by herself and did my shopping. We got back on the ship by 4:15pm and on ship time was 6pm. I went up to the pool and tanned and got in the pool with my friends. All in all, Spain was amazing I can’t wait to go back.


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