Monday, January 26, 2009

I Just Wanna Dance!

This weekend I finally went out on the town of DC! I was so excited! Friday night I went to the Hawk n' Dove, it's a bar down by the capitol, and it has dancing and what not and it's 18+ to get in which makes it nice! Anyway, I went with Kim and Leslie, and then Jennapher and her friend Angela met us there. It was definitely really crowded, and somehow we managed to run into Nate, and hang out with him too. I decided that those Mexican creepers from Borderline in TO, also exist in DC, and for some reason they all think they can come dance with me (see I am mexican, they sense it). Haha. Anyway, awkward as usual. So we were there from like 11 to 2:30am and then we left and headed back to our rooms because we were tired of creeper boys. I got back at 3am and went to sleep half an hour later after I knew Kim had made it back safely since we couldn't find her and left her with Nate.

The next day, Kim and I went to a two story target which was awesome, and I ended up discovering this other wonderful part of DC, or Columbia Heights if you will, it had lots of cute restaurants, I can't wait to go back and explore. Then I passed out for a few hours and woke up to a wonderful cooked meal made by Reshai! He is an amazing cook! Then Kim and I watched PS I love you the rest of the night while the 21 and older crew of our friends went out to bars.

Sunday was a much more mellow day, filled with sleep, and then going to Pentagon City to the mall! I was so excited to finally go! It's rather large, and has some cool stores, I will be going back soon! We also found a marshall's and a COSTCO!!!! YAY! OH and a CPK (a little bit of home)

IT SNOWED TODAY!!! (Tuesday) I woke up and it was not visible outside and I was like whats going o-- OHHH...haha there was snow all over my balcony! It was beautiful! ...then I realized I had to walk in it to work, not so much fun, I have never walked in dress clothes in snow! Crazy fun! ...and also not fun! But I really did enjoy it, I have never had the opportunity to watch it snow ALLLLL Damn day...but as night fell, it became a wintery mix of snow and odd. I didn't particularly like it when I went to meet my dad at his hotel for dinner! He took me to dinner, and it was wonderful, I had prime rib and a baked potato!

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