Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Birthday Weeeeeeeek!

Well, first of all sorry that I haven't written in a while, I've been busy being a grown up..dumb. Haha. Anyway, today we went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum, it was pretty cool, too much reading on things I mostly already knew, but some of it made me feel sick inside because of how horrible everything was, I mean some of the footage they have is just horrible. After the Holocaust memorial, I met with my mom and sister when they got in from Dulles airport, and we went to eat at Cafe Asia since they didn't eat all day and neither did I. Then they left for the hotel afterwards and tomorrow I have to work but this is the agenda for my birthday!

Tomorrow: Work, Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington Monument w/mom and sister, dinner, class, sleeping at the hotel with them to leave for NYC the next day.

Friday-Sunday - NYC!! my sister has everything planned from restaurants, to tours, to seeing WICKED on BROADWAY in some bitchin' seats! I am sooo excited! It's my birthday present from her :). We're going to the statue of liberty and times square and just everrrywhere! I am so excited! ahhh!!

They leave Monday morning and then Friday morning the 6th, Jessica and Victoria fly in!! :) :) yay!!! That's another whole experience haha!

Well that's all for now!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Beginning of a Great Week

So, the weather forecast for this week is all in the mid-50s, and 60s, how wonderful, except I am going to Boston on I won't be enjoying the nice weather for long. Anyway, this weekend was filled with amazingness!

On Friday after work, I stayed in and got some rest to prepared for the eventful weekend ahead of me. I read some twilight and talked to some friends...and oooo I made tacos for dinner they were simply amazing.

Saturday started out awesome! I woke up and made some pancakes and then got ready to go out to the Smithsonian's. It was a day to be filled with much laughter and many adventures. Reshai and I left at about 1:45 and when we were on the metro, we started playing with my phone and we were stopped on the metro and when people were starting to get on the train I looked up and read "Smithsonian" and I yelled "WE NEED TO GET OFF HERE!" very loudly and it was so fast and so loud that we just started laughing the minute we finally got off on time. So we sounded like the ultimate tourists. We walked around mindlessly till we found some smithsonian type buildings haha. We walked into some Asian art places and kinda just looked passed them quickyl because it wasnt really our thing. Then we went to the Castle to get some information and we left to the Air and Space Museum which we only got through 1/6th of because it was sooo huge! I felt like a little kid, I have some awesome pictures...especially of some badass really...those things will eff you up good. Don't mess with the US. They had a sweet display of the Space Race between Russia and the US...and well lets just say that their space suits sucked compared to ours too! haha. Well anyway we got some lunch and then realized we only had like an hour and a half left so we decided to got hte American History Museum, and it took us a while to get there but we stopped through the sculpture park and took some pictures and then we saw 1/3 of the American History Museum which had some pretty cool stuff. I particularly liked them First Ladies section with the dresses and portraits and stuff...Hilary Clinton and Michelle Obama had horrible pictures...they weren't hte most flattering. After that we went through the star spangled banner exhibit which was beautiful and the original flag was gorgeously displayed. We left and headed back to the apartment for a bit before heading to Pentagon City so I could get another charger for my laptop and Reshai could get his Blackberry Storm, also visit Marshall's and a do a little shopping, our favorite around here. The night ended with some rushing to Safeway because we got back to Rosslyn at 9:45 and had to get to safeway before it closed so we could get some alcohol. By the way they don't sell hard alcohol in grocery stores here...also you can't get it on Sundays lol and the closest liquor store is across the bridge in Georgetown, super annoying. Anyway, we finally got back I made an amazing frito pie and then headed to Reshai's room with him and Sam, Mitch and Megan for some power hour fun.

Sunday was filled with a day in georgetown which is sooo cute, by the way in case you don't know, because I didn't georgetown is really a town it's not just the name of the school. It's very ritzy and very cute. It was a beautiful 68 degrees today so I wore my new dress from H&M and leggings for when it got a litttle breezy and my slouch boots, perfect weather for that outfit. We spent a few hours there shopping and then had a late lunch/early dinner at Pizzeria Uno and walked back over the bridge back to Rosslyn. I spent the rest of the night watching the grammy's and being on facbeook it was wonderful. Now I am off to bed so I can wake up for work

I can't wait to leave for Boston and see Megan and Jessica!! Then my mom and my sister will be here a week and a half later for my birthday!! And off to New York! yay! I love it!!

I also just realize I have 9 weeks insane is that!??! I need to get a move on all the things I need to do haha! I have so much to see still!!

Until next time!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Oh Groundhog, you little f***er.

Thank you for seeing your shadow and continuing winter for another six weeks, please realize that I only want you to extend winter when I live in California, thank you...until next year.

And on that note, the weather has been ridiculous to say the least, I don't particularly care for this pattern of every two days it changes from 30s to 40s to 50s to 60 to 40 to 30s to 20s....WTF IS THAT?!? It's stupid, that's what.

Anyway the internship is going great, Tuesdays as I have said before I go to the Koch Foundation and this past Tuesday we all went out to a bar afterwards for appetizers and drinks (non-alcoholic of course due to the legalities behind it even if you are 21). It was really nice to go out with the other interns from Koch because they are just great people to be around and talk to all the time. Overall I am finding I enjoy them more than the people in my program, because I don't really hang out with the people in my program much besides my roommates and Reshai and occassionally watch LOST with a girl down the hall. Don't get me wrong I hang out with them but I just don't want to drink and I don't have access to them as easily like on a CLU Campus. It is very much an adult life where we just work and get tired and go to bed, but needless to say I am excited to start exploring by myself and connecting with a few interns that live in the area a little closer to hang out with on the weekends.

This weekend I am planning on doing the whole Smithsonian's thing. Starting tomorrow with Reshai and my roommate Aulden. I also need to open a bank account here as well. that was just me making my list ofthings to do real quick haha. I am really excited though because I leave on Thursday for Boston and I get to see Megan and Jessica and others from CLU and be in boston for four days!!! :) YAYAYAYAY!! I LOOOVE BOSTON. The flight was pretty cheap too so that was nice. My birthday is in 22 days :) My sister and mom will be here in 19 days and we are going to go to New York.

I'm okay with the fact that I am not as social here as I thought I would be...I am realizing that I am here for a professional experience and learning the world of politics and all that DC has to offer. I'm realizing what a great city it is with many possibilities and it really is about who you know. I'm glad that I have the opportunity to network and understand that its true, you really gotta know the right people and thats all I hear around here. I am finding that I may want to go to Law School out here and if I start working my ass off my chances of getting into GWU are very good, possibly with a slight scholarship, it would be just perfect to be out here for Law School.

I love getting packages from people at school or from friends at home, I think it's awesome. I always wished I was an out of state student so I could get packages like all my friends at CLU. Now that I do it just makes me sooo happy. I have gotten packages from Jessica Kolstad, Megan, and Jessica DeSalva. I got cookies and other random stuff and then socks that were my christmas present a little late but still awesome and then the ultimate...NEW MOON, the second book in the Twilight Series for those of you that don't know. I am staring at it right now trying to not grab it and run away to my room to read, because I will definitely not talk for a while until I am done.

I have found a new love for reading an educating myself on topics thanks to the Koch Foundation. I have like 15 books and two of them are a collaboration of readings they bounded together for us. It's just amazing. I recently just read The Law by Bastiat, basically just this crazy libertarian who thinks the Law is corrupt and what not and how we abuse it and talked about natural rights, which I have come to love and talk about a lot. There is this one annoying law student that is an intern and asks dumb questions that just piss people off because we don't know if he is actually curious or just trying to start a debate...and I hate that.

Well I am sorry that this is longer than usual and I hope you enjoy my ramblings...if you would like to send me a birthday package ;) hahaha... my address is at the bottom of the page I think?? If not text me haha :) Anyway, I will be sending postcards soon!!


P.S - Kimmy and Emily I am pretty sure you are the only people who read this but whatever! Haha!